
How to earn money through Top 20 best formerly VigLink alternative earning websites


  • Briefly introduce the concept of affiliate marketing and its significance in online income generation.
  • Highlight the role of VigLink and its popularity in simplifying affiliate marketing for content creators and website owners.
  • Introduce the purpose of the article: to explore alternative platforms that serve similar functions as VigLink and discuss ways to earn through them.

Section 1: Understanding VigLink and Its Features

  • Provide an overview of VigLink, explaining how it works and its key features.
  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using VigLink for monetization.
  • Emphasize the need for alternatives due to changes in the platform or individual preferences of users.

Section 2: Top 20 VigLink Alternative Earning Websites

1. Skimlinks

  • Discuss how Skimlinks operates as an affiliate marketing platform.
  • Highlight its notable features, advantages, and target user base.
  • Share success stories or case studies to exemplify its effectiveness.

2. ShareASale

  • Explore ShareASale’s features, including its diverse merchant options.
  • Discuss its user-friendly interface and potential earnings.
  • Provide tips on leveraging ShareASale effectively.

3. CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction)

  • Explain CJ Affiliate’s functionalities and the range of advertisers available.
  • Discuss its reporting tools and analytics for maximizing earnings.
  • Provide guidance on navigating CJ Affiliate for optimal results.

(Repeat the above structure for each of the top 20 alternatives, discussing their unique features, advantages, and strategies for earning.)

Section 3: Strategies to Maximize Earnings on Alternative Platforms

1. Content Optimization

  • Discuss the importance of high-quality content for affiliate marketing.
  • Provide tips on optimizing content to drive traffic and conversions.

2. Targeting the Right Audience

  • Highlight the significance of understanding the target audience.
  • Share strategies to identify and cater to the audience’s needs and preferences.

3. Diversification of Platforms

  • Emphasize the benefits of using multiple affiliate marketing platforms.
  • Guide readers on managing and diversifying their affiliate links effectively.


  • Summarize the importance of exploring alternatives to VigLink.
  • Encourage readers to leverage the discussed platforms and strategies for maximizing their online earnings through affiliate marketing.
  • Provide a call to action, inviting readers to share their experiences or ask questions.

This outline provides a structure for your article. You can expand each section by providing detailed insights, real-life examples, expert opinions, and practical tips to help readers understand the alternatives to VigLink and how to make the most of them to generate income online.

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