
How to earn money through Top 20 best RevContent alternative earning websites


  • Briefly introduce the concept of content monetization.
  • Highlight the significance of diversifying revenue streams.
  • Introduce the intention to explore alternatives to RevContent.

Section 1: Understanding Content Monetization

  • Explain the concept of content monetization.
  • Discuss the importance of choosing the right platform for monetization.
  • Highlight the potential benefits of exploring alternative platforms.

Section 2: Criteria for Evaluating RevContent Alternatives

  • Outline key criteria to consider when choosing alternative platforms.
  • Factors might include payment structure, audience reach, content guidelines, etc.

Section 3: Top 20 RevContent Alternative Earning Websites

  1. Taboola

    • Discuss the features, strengths, and weaknesses.
    • Explain how creators can leverage Taboola for revenue.
  2. Outbrain

    • Highlight the unique aspects of Outbrain for content monetization.
    • Discuss its compatibility with different types of content.

    • Explore’s ad solutions and earning potential.
    • Discuss eligibility criteria and content compatibility.

(Continue similarly with the following alternatives:) 4. Adversal


  2. RevContent
  3. InfoLinks
  4. Adsterra
  5. Sharethrough
  6. AdRecover
  7. Adcash
  8. Yieldbird
  9. Gravity
  10. Adsterra
  11. AdMaven
  12. Spoutable
  13. PopAds
  14. Evadav
  15. Infolinks
  16. AdSupply

Section 4: Comparison and Analysis

  • Compare and contrast the top alternatives based on various factors.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each platform.
  • Highlight specific use cases where each alternative excels.

Section 5: Strategies for Maximizing Earnings

  • Offer tips and strategies for content creators to maximize their earnings.
  • Discuss best practices for optimizing content for these platforms.
  • Highlight the importance of testing and adapting strategies.


  • Recap the importance of diversifying revenue streams.
  • Encourage readers to explore multiple platforms for earning potential.
  • Emphasize the significance of choosing platforms aligned with their content and audience.

This outline can be expanded into a comprehensive article by researching each alternative thoroughly, delving into their features, pros, cons, and suitability for different types of content creators. Remember, it’s important to keep the content informative, engaging, and up-to-date to provide valuable insights to the readers.

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